STEMCELL iPSC/ESC无血清培养基 化学成分确定的 mTeSR™1(产品号 #05850)/mTeSR™2 (产品号#05860)产品简介:
STEMCELL Technologies 研发的mTeSR™1(产品号 #05850)和 mTeSR™2(产品号#05860),作为无饲养层细胞条件下维持 hPSC 的标准化培养基。它们的成分基于 Ludwig等公布的研究成果,是完全的、成分确定的无血清培养基,其生产得到 WiCell Research Institute 的授权。mTeSR?1含牛血清白蛋白来源,用于支持长期、无饲养层细胞条件下培养 hPSC 以及在无饲养层细胞条件下衍生 hiPSC。TeSR?2则是不含动物蛋白的配方,同样支持长期、无饲养层细胞条件下培养 hPSC。两者均不需要进一步添加生长因子。它们旨在维持和扩增未分化的hPSC,并与作为基质的 BD Matrigel? hESC-qualified Matrix(BD 产品号#354277)配合使用。STEMCELL Technologies 预先对每一批次的 BD Matrigel?的质量进行检测,确保均一性、可重复性和可靠性。若要获得完全不含动物蛋白的培养体系,TeSR?2 可与Vitronectin第替代基质配合使用。
在 mTeSR™1 和 TeSR™2 中培养的 hPSC:
· 表型均匀且核型正常
· 表达高水平的多能性标记如:Oct-3/4、SSEA-3、SSEA-4、TRA-1-60、TRA-1-81
· 表达多能性所需的基因:Oct-3/4、nanog
· 形成包含内、中、外胚层谱系衍生物的畸胎瘤
· 可在体外分化为功能成熟的细胞类型(如造血细胞)
· 从基于饲养层细胞的培养物转化时,不需要驯化培养期(即无细胞低产期)
使用 mTeSR™1 和 TeSR™2 的优点包括:
· 去除不确定的培养基成分和消除与饲养层细胞和条件培养基有关的固有可变性,使 hPSC 培养的条件保持一致性
· 标准化培养方法,从而提高数据的可重复性
· 省去制备饲养层细胞或条件培养基的程序,节省了时间和劳力
· 完全的培养基配方,无需添加额外的生长因子或其他添加物
STEMCELL iPSC/ESC无血清培养基 化学成分确定的 mTeSR™1(产品号 #05850)/mTeSR™2 (产品号#05860)相关产品订购信息:
Product Name Description Catalog # Size Price Quantity
mTeSR?1 Defined, feeder-free maintenance medium for human ESCs and iPSCs 05850 500 mL Kit Request pricing
mTeSR?1 Defined, feeder-free maintenance medium for hESCs and hiPSCs, 1 L kit 05857 1 L Kit Request pricing
mTeSR?1 Defined, feeder-free maintenance medium for hESCs and hiPSCs, 10 pack 05870 10 Kits Request pricing
mTeSR?1 Defined, feeder-free maintenance medium for hESCs and hiPSCs, 25 pack 05875 25 Kits Request pricing
STEMCELL iPSC/ESC无血清培养基 化学成分确定的 mTeSR?1(产品号 #05850)/TeSR?2 (产品号#05860)英文描述:
mTeSR™1 is the most widely published feeder-free cell culture medium for human embryonic stem cells (ES cells) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), with established protocols for applications ranging from derivation to differentiation. It has been used to successfully maintain hundreds of ES cell and iPS cell lines in over 40 countries, and has supported top pluripotent stem cell publications and researchers.
mTeSR™1 is a highly specialized, serum-free and complete cell culture medium. With pre-screened raw materials that ensure batch-to-batch consistency and robust feeder-free protocols for ES and iPS cell culture, mTeSR™1 provides more consistent cultures with homogeneous, undifferentiated phenotypes.
STEMCELL iPSC/ESC无血清培养基 化学成分确定的 mTeSR™1(产品号 #05850)/mTeSR™2 (产品号#05860)其他相关产品订购信息:
Product Name Description Catalog #
TeSR™2 Animal protein-free, defined, feeder-independent medium for maintenance of undifferentiated human ES and iPS cells 05860
AggreWell™ Simple and Standardized Production of Embryoid Bodies 27845
mFreSR™ Defined, Serum-Free Cryopreservation Medium for Human ES cells and iPS cells 05854
CryoStor® CS10 Animal Component-Free, Defined Cryopreservation Medium 07930
EasySep™ hESC-Derived CD34 Positive Selection Kit Immunomagnetic Positive Selection Kit 18167
Mouse IgG (H+L) Antibody, FITC-Conjugated Goat Polyclonal Antibody to Mouse IgG (H+L) – FITC Conjugated 10210
IgM Antibody, FITC-Conjugated Goat Polyclonal Antibody to Mouse IgM – FITC Conjugated 10211
IgM Antibody, APC-Conjugated Goat Polyclonal Antibody to Rat IgM – APC Conjugated 10215
ACCUTASE™ ACCUTASE™ Cell Detachment Solution 07920
Dispase (1 U/mL) Dispase 1 U/mL 07923
STEMdiff™ APEL™ Medium Serum-Free, Animal Component-Free Medium for Differentiation of Human ES and iPS cells to Multiple Lineage Types 05210
StemAdhere™ Defined Matrix for hPSC For maintenance of human ES and iPS cells in combination with mTeSR™1 or TeSR™2 07160
Anti-Sox-2 Antibody Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody Against Human Sox-2 60055
Anti-Mouse SSEA-1 (CD15) Antibody, Clone MC-480 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Against Human, Mouse, Rat SSEA-1 (CD15) 60060
Anti-Mouse SSEA-3 Antibody, Clone MC-631 Rat Monoclonal Antibody Against Human, Mouse, Rat SSEA-3 60061
Anti-Human SSEA-4 Antibody, Clone MC-813-70 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Against Human, Mouse, Rat SSEA-4 60062
Anti-Human TRA-1-60 Antibody, Clone TRA-1-60R Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Against Human, Rhesus, Rabbit TRA-1-60 (Podocalyxin) 60064
Anti-Human TRA-1-81 Antibody, Clone TRA-1-81 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Against Human, Rat, Rhesus TRA-1-81 60065
Anti-Human TRA-2-49 Antibody, Clone TRA-2-49/6E Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Against Human, Chimpanzee, Gibbon TRA-2-49 (Tissue Non-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase) 60066
Anti-Human TRA-2-54 Antibody, Clone TRA-2-54/2J Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Against Human, Chimpanzee, Gibbon TRA-2-54 (Tissue Non-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase) 60067
Mouse IgM, kappa Isotype Control Antibody, Clone MM-30 Mouse Monoclonal IgM, kappa Isotype Control Antibody 60069
Gentle Cell Dissociation Reagent Enzyme-Free Cell Dissociation Reagent 07174
STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit Fully Defined Animal Component-Free Medium for the Differentiation of Human ES and iPS Cells to Definitive Endoderm. 05110
Oct-3/4 Antibody, Clone 40 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody to Oct-3/4 01550
Vitronectin XF™ Chemically Defined, Xeno-Free Cell Attachment Factor that Supports the Growth and Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Under Serum-Free, Feeder-Free Conditions 07180
STEMdiff™ Neural Induction Medium Defined, Serum-Free Induction Medium for Neural Differentiation of Human ES and iPS Cells
OriGen CP-70 CryoPur-DMSO 细胞冻存液 二甲基亚砜 进口USP级 CE认证 CP70
¥1Lifeline LL-0002 VascuLife EnGS Complete Kit 人内皮细胞培养基套装
¥1Anti-Human CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 人CD4抗体
¥4,188Corning 88-571-kit Natural Killer Cell Serum-free Culture Kit II NK细胞活化扩增培养基套装
¥0Cellartis Y50200 MSC Xeno-Free Culture Medium 人间充质干细胞培养基,无外源无需包被
¥1Origen CS250 Freezing Bags vol-max 30-70mL 冻存袋 细胞治疗用药包材
¥1【脐带血干细胞新药获批】CryoStore™ 25为干细胞治疗保驾护航
贴壁细胞转染优选:ProteanFect转染试剂盒 现货代理
ProteanFect CRISPR Cas9转染转染试剂盒 高效递送
CD34+造血干细胞转染神器:ProteanFect Max